Types of Patent Infringement

Types of Patent Infringement

If you have patent rights, you might have an individual or company trying to infringe on them. There are different types of patent infringement that might occur. Direct - Direct infringement involves producing, selling, using, or importing the patented object without the proper license. This is a willful type of infringement. Indirect - This infringement can involve inducing patent infringement or contributing to infringement (discussed below). Parties can be liable for indirect infringement even if they were not part of the original infringement. Willful - Someone willfully infringes on a patent when they know a patent exists and completely disregards the patent protections and restrictions. When infringement is willful, the infringing party can face harsher penalties in court. Induced - A party might aid or assist in patent infringement by…
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The Benefits of Patent Protection

The Benefits of Patent Protection

You have worked very hard for your intellectual property. You have invested time and money in developing it, and now you want to reap the benefits of it. However, if you do not take steps to protect it, others may use it for their own benefits. As an individual or business owner, you must do everything that you can to secure your intellectual property. These steps can include: Trademarks - protects words, phrases, symbols, or designs Patents - covers an invention, such as a product or process Copyrights - Protects and gives distribution rights to a composition Chances are that you will need one or more of these for your intellectual property. These give you the exclusive right to your IP. If someone else tries to use your invention or…
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Patent Rights for Co-Inventors

Patent Rights for Co-Inventors

Sometimes, two minds are certainly better than one, and partners work together to invent something novel. While collaborating might have been beneficial during the design process, it can complicate matters when it comes to protecting the design as intellectual property. Can two inventors share patent ownership? What happens if there is a dispute? Always discuss this situation with an Orlando patent lawyer. Equal Rights for Co-Owners The law provides all co-owners with the same rights to the patent, whether they played a major or minor role in the conception of the invention. Sometimes, when many people contributed, it can be difficult to determine who was part of the conception or not. However, representing accurate inventorship can result in serious problems should someone challenge the patent in court. Additional issues may…
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What if Your Child Invents Something?

What if Your Child Invents Something?

Children often have wild imaginations, which can be beneficial for the world when kids invent things that make our lives easier or even work to save lives. If your child invents something, never assume that it is simply a cute childhood pipe dream, as many child inventors go on to find success with their products. It is important to protect your child’s invention just like you would any other, and it is always wise to discuss your options with an Orlando patent lawyer if you believe in the potential of the invention. The following are some examples of child inventions that are now part of our everyday culture. Trampoline - A 16-year-old invented the first “bouncing rig” in 1930, which morphed into the modern-day trampoline that many people have in…
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Applying for a Provisional Patent

Applying for a Provisional Patent

There are times that you need to plant your flag, even before you obtain a patent. In some cases, the perception of ownership may be enough to frighten away competitors. One way to do this is through a provisional patent application (PPA). A PPA gives you time to test the market. You may not know whether it is worth it to file a full-fledged patent application. With a PPA, you have the ability to mark your invention as “patent pending,” the same as you would if you applied for a normal patent. How to Apply for a Provisional Patent The process of applying for a PPA is much more streamlined. In fact, there are only three things that you need to do: Perform a patent search for inventions that are…
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What is Patent Prosecution?

What is Patent Prosecution?

Patent prosecution has nothing to do with a courtroom case, even though the name suggests otherwise. It is the process of dealing with the United States Patent and Trademark Office to obtain a patent for an invention. There is an argument to an extent. You are making the case that you should be granted a patent. Patent prosecution begins when you fill out a patent application along with the supporting documentation that explains why you should be awarded a patent. Then, you will have a back-and-forth with the USPTO. This is the heart of the patent prosecution process. The Patent Application Itself Begins the Process The USPTO will assign a patent examiner to your case. Based on your initial application, the patent examiner will either accept or reject your application.…
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Appealing a Patent Denial

Appealing a Patent Denial

Many inventors are excited about their designs, only to have their excitement squashed when their patent applications are denied. Keep in mind that patent applications are highly technical with many requirements, and it is all too common for inventors who file applications on their own to receive denials. Rest assured that there are options, and it might not be the end of the road for your patent protections. The best move is to consult with an Orlando patent lawyer as soon as you receive a rejection. Filing Your Appeal The first step is to determine why your patent was denied. Did you fail to provide sufficient documentation or a thorough explanation of your work? Is there a more complex legal reason under patent law? Our law firm will review the…
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Identifying Patent Infringement

Identifying Patent Infringement

Once you have a patent in place for your invention, you might be tempted to rest easy and assume that no one can steal your idea or design. However, patent infringement happens more regularly than you might imagine, and it can lead to losses for patent holders, as well as unjust enrichment for infringers. You want to identify patent infringement as soon as possible to try to mitigate your losses, as well as stop future consumer confusion as soon as possible. If you have concerns over possible infringement, speak with an Orlando patent attorney right away. Detecting Infringement There are no “patent police” who monitor the use of patented inventions. Instead, it falls on your shoulders to identify infringement and take the necessary action. This can be difficult because many…
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Protecting Your Software Development

Protecting Your Software Development

Many companies thrive by developing software - whether the software is for in-house operations or for sale. One way to protect your software ownership is to apply for a patent with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) or for a copyright from the United States Copyright Office. The patent application process can be complicated and time-consuming, but new software is also time-consuming and complex, so it is worthy of protection. Seek help from a patent lawyer in Orlando who can handle the patent process for you. Software Patents and Copyrights A software patent can be granted for software designs deemed non-obvious and novel. You can also seek a copyright to protect the expression of your design through tangible code. Whether another party tries to steal your idea or repurpose…
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Recovering Damages for Patent Infringement

Recovering Damages for Patent Infringement

People and companies obtain patents to protect their inventions, formulas, and similar designs. Such protection is important because if others use your invention, you can lose money, and the other party can wrongfully gain from the misappropriation. Once you have a patent, you can take legal action to recover damages if someone infringes on your patent. So, what damages might be available in a patent infringement claim? This will depend on the details of the situation, though categories of possible damages include: Reasonable royalties - Generally, if someone is licensed to use your patent, they would pay you royalties in return for the license. Successful infringement claims can result in an award of reasonable royalties that reflect the fair market value of what the infringer would have paid for a…
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