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Identifying Patent Infringement

Identifying Patent Infringement

Once you have a patent in place for your invention, you might be tempted to rest easy and assume that no one can steal your idea or design. However, patent infringement happens more regularly than you might imagine, and it can lead to losses for patent holders, as well as unjust enrichment for infringers.

You want to identify patent infringement as soon as possible to try to mitigate your losses, as well as stop future consumer confusion as soon as possible. If you have concerns over possible infringement, speak with an Orlando patent attorney right away.

Detecting Infringement

There are no “patent police” who monitor the use of patented inventions. Instead, it falls on your shoulders to identify infringement and take the necessary action. This can be difficult because many infringers work hard to conceal their activities, especially if the infringement is willful.

You can identify possible infringement if you believe that another party is offering a service or product that meets all limitations of one or more independent claims of your patent. Anyone who assists or contributes to the infringement can also be held accountable.

Often, consumer confusion or complaints can be a sign of infringement. For instance, perhaps another party is selling your product but using materials of much lesser quality. If consumers begin to complain or assume that you authorized the production and sale, you are tipped off regarding infringement. Such infringement can impact goodwill and product loyalty, ultimately leading to losses for your business.

Contact an Orlando Patent Lawyer for Help

If you suspect that someone else is infringing on your patent rights, you need the help of an Orlando patent attorney from Daniel Law Offices, P.A. We will work to stop the infringement and enforce your patent right away, so please do not wait to contact us online or call 866.377.2836 for assistance.

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