If you are starting up a new business or partnership, it is crucial to incorporate in order to protect your personal assets from the consequences of legal actions involving your business. When you choose a legal entity to protect you and your business, it is important to have an experienced Orlando business incorporation lawyer on your side. Here at Daniel Law Offices we have that experience and can help you pick the right type of business entities including:
- Corporation
- Limited Liability Company (LLC)
- Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
- Partnership
- Nonprofit Corporation
- Professional Corporation (PC)
- Professional Association (PA)
- Business Trust
Governance Agreements
After an entity is formed, owners, management and investors should adopt governing agreements addressing such issues as: election of officers, management responsibilities, restrictions on transfer of ownership, voting rights, distribution of stock and capitalization. Our services include the preparation of:
- Bylaws
- Company Agreements
- Partnership Agreements
- Buy-Sell Agreements
We make sure that you understand your rights and responsibilities regarding contracts and the general operation of your business.
To learn more about the practice and the ability of our Orlando business incorporation and llc lawyers to advance your company’s profit and growth objectives, contact the Daniel Law Offices P.A. at 866.377.2836.